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sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2015

You MUST be Healthy!!!

Hello guys!
Do you practice any sport? 
Do you eat fruit and veggies? 
How many hour do you regularly sleep?
Take a look at these good and Healthy Habits:

Now, look at this other picture and use the images to write down some good habits, 
for example:
"You must drink 8 glasses of water a day."

Show to your teacher next class, ok!?

8 comentários:

  1. 1 : you must practice sports for a good body
    2 : eat fruits for a good healthy
    3 : eat only the nesesary
    4 : study to be smart
    5 : no drink soda

  2. 1: you must play sports 2: you must study for a good future 3: you can't play 4 hours of videogame in one day,guy the sun is before the window 4: you must sleepy 8 hours in a day

  3. 1-you must play sports 2-you must drink watter 3-you must washing your hands after lanch and dinner 4-you must sleep every day 5-you must studdy for get smart 6-you must walk and no drive a car.

  4. 1: you must eat fruits.
    2: you can't eat hamburges, fries, soda, etc...
    3: you can run 1 hour in one day.
    4: take a shower.
    5: wash your clothes.

  5. 1.You must eat fruits everyday.
    2.You must pratice sports.
    3.You must take a shower.
    4.You can´t drink soda everyday.
    5.You whash your clothes everyday

  6. you must do sports to feel good
    you must eat vegetables and fruit to be healthy
    you must sleep eight hours a night
    you must eat 3 in 3 hours
    you must drink water every day

  7. 1- You must play sports all day
    2- You must sleep every day
    3- You must eat fruts every day
    4- You must drink watter every day
    5- You must take shower

  8. 1-Be Healthy eating fruit, like strawberries
    2-Cycling is fun and healthy
    3-isit the doctor once in a while
    4-try to eat more carrots because it helps you in developing celebrate
    5-taking lemon water varies because it has vitamins and burning their fats

    Catarina Cozzetto Fernandes, 6 ano.
