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quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2016

Flipped Classroom - Genitive Case: Family Connections

Hello students!
There is a new video for you!!!
It's about the subject from UNIT 1 - Family Matters.

Watch it and answer the exercise under the video. 
Don't forget to bring it to class for correction, ok.

Look at the picture (The Simpson's Family) and write down as many Family Connections you can, using the 
Genitive Case ('S):

10 comentários:

  1. Cool video teacher!!!You are incredible!!!
    Down here is the exercise.

    1-Lisa,Bart and Maggie are Homer's and Marge's kids
    2-Marge is Clancy's and Jackie's daughter
    3-Patty and Selma are Marge's cousins
    4-Ling is Marge's niece
    5-Herb is Bart's Lisa's and Maggie's uncle
    6-Abraham and Mona are Homer's parents
    7-Herb is Homer's brother
    8-Abraham and Mona are Bart's Lisa's and Maggie's grandparents
    9-Clancy and Jackie are Bart's Lisa's and Maggie's grandparents

    Thank you for the exercise teacher!!!
    Bye Bye!!!

  2. 1-Lisa,Bar and Maggie are Homer's and Marge's
    2-Marge is Clancy's and Jakie's daughter
    3-Ling is Mager's niece
    4-Herb is Homer's brothe
    5-Patty and Selma are Marge's cousins

  3. 1- Selma is mother The ling's.
    2-clancy and Jackie are father and mother The Selma marge and Patty.
    3-clancy and Jackie are grandfather and Grandmother The Bart's, Lisa's, Maggie's and ling's.
    4-ling is marge's niece
    5-abrahan and mona are father and mother The herb and home.
    6-abrahan and mona are Grandfather and Grandmother The Bart's, Lisa's, Maggie's and kings.
    7-patty and Selma are marge's cousins

    good exercise teacher

  4. 1-Herb is Homer's brother
    2-Patty is Marger's sister
    3-Ling is Marger's niece
    4-Bart is Herb's nephew
    5-Marger is Maggie's mother

  5. 1-Selma is the mother of Ling
    2-Clancy and Jackie are Marge, Patty and Selma's parents
    3-Clancy and Jackie are Bart, Lisa, Maggie and Ling's grandparents
    4-Ling is marge's niece
    5-Abrahan and Mona are Herb and Home's parents
    6-Abrahan and Mona are Bart, Lisa, Maggie and Ling's grandparents
    7-Patty and Selma are Marge's cousins

    Im LIKED this exercise

    1-Lisa,Bart and Maggie are Homer's and Mage's
    2-Ling is Marge's nice
    3-Herb is Homer's brother
    4-Patty and Selma are Marge's cousins
    5-Herb is Bart's lisa's and maggie's ungle

  7. lisa,bart and maggie are homer and mage

    lingis marge nice

    patty and selma are marge cousin

    herb is bart lisa and maggie uncle

    herb is homer brother

  8. Comentários do Angelo Cozzetto utilizando a conta do seu Pai:

    1. Abraham is Mona´s husband.
    2. Mona is Abraham´s wife.
    3. Clancy is Jackie´s husband.
    4. Jackie is Clancy´s wife.
    5. Herb is Homer´s brother.
    6. Marge is Patty and Selma´s sister.
    7. Homer is Marge´s husband.
    8. Bart, Lisa and Maggie are Homer´s Kids.
    9. Ling is Selma´s daugther.
    10. Bart, Lisa and Maggie are Mona´s grandchildrens.
