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sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2016

Word Clouds - I know 100 Words!!!

Hello 6th grade and 7th grade students!!!!
We had a great time in class today, right?
We learnt how to create Cloud-shaped Graphics using this Website: Word It Out! 

This is my example using the Song: 
What a Wounderful World

And here you can see your beautiful work!!!! You can even print it out, if you like!

6th Grade:

Murilo and Rodrigo

Enzo Brigante and Igor 

Juliana and Sophia

Rebeca and Camille

Angelo and Felipe

Isabela and Isabella

Yan and Matheus

7th Grade:

Henrique and Renan

Ana Julia and Isabelly

Izabela and Carolina

Heloysa and Gabriela  

Juliana and Catarina

Rafael and Gustavo

Beatriz and Amanda

Marina, Mai and Lika

Fernando and Murilo 

Emily and Gabriel

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